Etang d'Urbino
- Pays:France
- Numéro du site:1831
- Superficie:790 ha
- Date d’inscription:15-09-2008
- Coordonnées:42°01'N 09°28'E
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Etang d'Urbino. 15/09/08; Corse; 790 ha ; 42°02N 009°29 E. SPA, ZNIEFF (Zone Naturelle d'Intérêt Ecologique, Faunistique et Floristique). On the east coast of Corse, the second largest lagoon on Corsica with a maximum depth of 9m. The site is separated from the sea through a narrow strip of sand where Juniperus macrocarpa, J. phoenicea and Pinus pinaster dunes are found. The lagoon plays an important role for avifauna, it is a stop-over for many migratory birds on their route towards the south, and it is also habitat for many birds during the reproduction and breeding season. Inventories reveal the presence of 113 different bird species, of which 37 breed here. Netta rufina and Tadorna tadorna are two species no longer common on Corsica but that still find good conditions for reproduction here. Aphanius fasciatus is an endemic fish species typical of the northern part of the Mediterranean. Ramsar site no. 1831. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Région administrative:
commune de Ghisonaccia (Haute-Corse)
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Protection par la loi Littoral - étang d’Urbino
- Inscriptions juridiques régionales (internationales):
- UE Natura 2000
- Date de dernière publication:15-09-2008
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
Carte du site
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