Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands
- Pays:Malaisie
- Numéro du site:1849
- Superficie:78'803 ha
- Date d’inscription:08-09-2008
- Coordonnées:05°37'N 118°34'E
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Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands. 28/10/08; Sabah; 78,803 ha; 05°38'N 118°35'E. Forest Reserves. A natural coastal mangrove, brackish and peat swamp forest systems on the east coast of Sabah, fed by two large rivers, the Kinabatangan and Segama rivers, as well as other small rivers ones. The wide mangrove belts are the largest contiguous mangrove area in the Southern Sulu sea. The site harbours rich biodiversity with critically endangered, vulnerable, rare and endangered species, including the world's smallest elephant, as well as species endemic to Borneo such as Sumatran Rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrisoni, Proboscis Monkey Nasalis larvatus, Tembadau (Banteng) Bos javanicus, Orang utan Pongo abelli, Borneo Pygmy Elephant Elephas maximus borneensis, among many others. Tropical swamp forests in Kulamba Wildlife Reserve play an important role in carbon sequestration and in settling the sediment and organic loads of the rivers. The Sabah Shoreline Management Plan (2005) includes an effective management strategy for the site. A management plan is in development. Ramsar site no. 1849. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Forest Reserve
- Date de dernière publication:08-09-2008