Parque Andino Juncal
- Pays:Chili
- Numéro du site:1909
- Superficie:13'796 ha
- Date d’inscription:22-05-2010
- Coordonnées:32°55'S 70°03'W
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Parque Andino Juncal. 22/05/10; Valparaiso; 13,796 ha; 32 55'S 070 03'W. This High Andean site is located in Chiles central zone on the Andes mountain range between 2500 and above 5000 m altitude. It comprises a hydric network counting rivers, streams, glaciers, Andean vegas, and underground springs. The area has extreme climatologic conditions characterized by intense cold, snow, drought and high radiation. These environmental conditions confer the site high ecological value because it supports an important group of fauna and flora including endemic species such as the small-tailed snake (Tachymenis chilensis) as well as endangered species such as the matuasto (Phymaturus flagellifer), a large number of migratory birds and higher vertebrates. The ecosystem in the Ramsar Site Juncal Andean Park is representative of the Mediterranean shrubland region; unique in South America and considered an endangered ecosystem by World Bank and WWF. Among its main threats are: extensive livestock rearing, mining and industrial development. The Juncal Andean Park lies within the Mineral Cordillera private area, where its main land uses are recreation, education and scientific research. Ramsar site no. 1909. Most recent RIS information: 2010.
Région administrative:
Region V Valparaiso
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Área Privada Protegida - Parque Andino Juncal
- Date de dernière publication:22-05-2010