Jizera Headwaters
- Pays:Tchéquie
- Numéro du site:2074
- Superficie:2'303 ha
- Date d’inscription:13-02-2012
- Coordonnées:50°50'N 15°18'E
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Jizera Headwaters (Horni Jizera). 13/02/12; Liberec; 2,303 ha; 50°50'51"N 015°19'32"E. (National) Nature Reserve, Nature Monument, Protected Landscape Area, Natura 2000 (SCI, SPA). Situated in the floodplains of the Jizera River valley in the central part of the Jizera Mountains and bordering Poland, the site constitutes one of the largest raised bog complexes in temperate Europe, as well as transition mires and unregulated meandering mountain streams. It provides habitat for many nationally threatened species of flora and internationally threatened species of fauna, including nesting bird species Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix and Common Crane Grus grus. The site is also an important refuge for a number of mountain and peat bog associated spider species and diving beetles. The site acts as a water reservoir and is important for water retention, flow and flood regulation, and carbon fixation. Human uses include forestry, research, recreation and some tourism. The site is threatened by air pollution and forestry-related drainage. An observation tower, nature trails and information booklets exist. The site is a potential transboundary Ramsar Site with Poland. Ramsar Site number: 2074. Most recent RIS information: 2012.
Région administrative:
Liberec Region
- Inscription légale nationale:
- National Nature Reserve - Rašeliniště Jizerky & Rašeliniště Jizery
- Nature Monument - Na Kneipe; U Posedu; Vlčí louka
- Nature Reserve - Černá jezírka & Rybi loucky; Klečové louky; Na Čihadle; Prales Jizera
- Protected Landscape Area - Jizerské hory
- Sites of Community Importance - Rašeliniště Jizerky; Bukovec; Rašeliniště Jizery; Jizerské smrčiny
- Special Protection Area - Jizerské hory
- Inscriptions juridiques régionales (internationales):
- UE Natura 2000
- Date de dernière publication:13-02-2012
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
Carte du site
Rapports et documents complémentaires
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