Calafat - Ciuperceni - Danube
- Pays:Roumanie
- Numéro du site:2112
- Superficie:29'206 ha
- Date d’inscription:21-01-2013
- Coordonnées:43°50'N 22°57'E
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Calafat-Ciuperceni-Danube. 02/02/2013; Dolj County; 29,206 ha; 43°5046N 022°5709E. Natura 2000 (SPA, SCI); Nature Reserve. The site, situated in the southwestern part of the Oltenia Plain, very close to the Danube River, comprises three Nature Reserves for the protection of migratory and water birds under the Bonn Convention and the Birds Directive. Some of these species find ideal conditions for nesting, such as the Haliaetus albicilla, Ciconia ciconia and Burhinus oedicnemus. During the migration seasons, the site is also important for the Tringa glareola, the Pelecanus crispus, the Platalea leucorodia and the Plecadis falcinellus. Furthermore, the site represents habitats of community importance as natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion, rivers with muddy banks and Chenopodion rubri and Bidention vegetation, dunes with Hippophaë rhamnoides and humid dune slacks. The site plays a very important role in mitigating Danube flood damages. The area was very wild in the past; after years of draining, however, and the construction of dykes and channels, the biodiversity has been reduced. The forests have been cut and many of the lakes have been dried and transformed into arable land. A management plan has been developed but not yet implemented. Ramsar Site no. 2112. Most recent RIS information: 2012.
Région administrative:
Dolj Couny
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Nature Reserve - Balta Neagra
- Nature Reserve - Ciuperceni Desa
- Nature Reserve - Balta Lata
- Inscriptions juridiques régionales (internationales):
- UE Natura 2000
- Date de dernière publication:02-02-2013