Gudlaugstungur Nature Reserve

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Gudlaugstungur Nature Reserve

  • Pays: 
  • Numéro du site: 
  • Superficie: 
    40'160 ha
  • Date d’inscription: 
  • Coordonnées: 
    64°57'N 19°16'W
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Gudlaugstungur Nature Reserve (Friðland í Guðlaugstungum). 18/02/2013; Austur-Húnavatnssýsla County; 40,160 ha; 64°57'00"N 019°16'00"W. Nature Reserve. One of the most extensive wetland areas in the central highlands of Iceland, comprising an extensive mosaic of sedge fens, palsa mires and drier heathland. The site is crossed by small streams and glacial rivers, and small ponds are abundant. The wetland area is surrounded by species-rich dwarf willow scrub heath land with high cover of mosses and lichens, which provide diverse habitats for plants, animals and birds. Guðlaugstungur-wetland harbours the largest breeding colony of the Pink-Footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus in the world, estimated at 13,600 pairs in 2002 or over 25% of the national and 18-21% of the world population of this species. There are no major humanmade structures within the reserve area, with the exception of a gravel road and a mountain cabin in the northwestern part. Farmers currently hold traditional grazing and fishing rights. The area is unhabited but receives seasonal tourists during the summer. Soil erosion and overgrazing are the main factors threatening the ecological character of the site. Ramsar Site no. 2130. Most recent RIS information: 2013.

Région administrative: 

  • Inscription légale nationale: 
    • Nature Reserve - Gudlaugstungur
  • Date de dernière publication: 


Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)

Carte du site

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