Shandong Yellow River Delta Wetland
- Pays:Chine
- Numéro du site:2187
- Superficie:95'950 ha
- Date d’inscription:16-10-2013
- Coordonnées:37°46'N 119°05'E
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Shandong Yellow River Delta Wetland. 16/10/2013; Shandong; 95,950 ha; 37°42'18"N 119°09'02"E. National Reserve. Located in the Yellow River National Reserve of Shandong Province, the wetland is composed of two units, with the northern part located at Diaokou River, referred to as the ‘Ancient Yellow River’, while the southern part is located along the course of the Yellow River and extends out to the Bohai Sea. The site is an almost naturally intact estuary wetland composed of shallow estuarine waters, tidal flats, marshes, reed swamps, canals and drainage channels, and aquaculture ponds at the mouth of Yellow River estuary. It has an annual accretion rate of 32.4 km2 which is one of the fastest rates in the world and is due to the large amount of sediment brought down by the Yellow River. The wetland is an important migratory waterbird staging and wintering area and supports 38 species in internationally important numbers, with a total waterbird count of between 80,500 and 248,600 in recent years. The large amount of reeds found in the wetland form the basis of the weaving and paper production industries in the area. In recent years, flow from the Yellow River has decreased, resulting in wetland degradation. Ramsar Site no. 2187. Most recent RIS information: 2013.
Région administrative:
Shandong Province
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Nature Reserve
- Date de dernière publication:16-10-2013