Miankaleh Peninsula, Gorgan Bay and Lapoo-Zaghmarz Ab-bandan
- Pays:Iran (République islamique d')
- Numéro du site:36
- Superficie:100'000 ha
- Date d’inscription:23-06-1975
- Coordonnées:36°49'N 53°41'E
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Miankaleh Peninsula, Gorgan Bay & Lapoo-Zaghmarz Ab-bandan. 23/06/75; Mazandaran; 100,000 ha; 36°50'N 053°17'E. Biosphere Reserve; Wildlife Refuge. A brackish bay almost completely cut off from the sea, which supports freshwater marshes and seasonally flooded woodland, and a freshwater lagoon supporting extensive reedbeds. An extremely important for area for breeding, and passage, nesting and wintering waterbirds including pelicans, cormorants, egrets, flamingos and geese. Rising sea levels have permanently inundated former flats and marshes, reducing bird habitat. Principal crops in the surrounding area are cotton and wheat. Subject of a Ramsar Advisory Mission in 1997. Ramsar site no. 36. Most recent RIS information: 1997.
Région administrative:
- Inscriptions légales internationales générales:
- Réserve de biosphère de l'UNESCO
- Inscription légale nationale:
- wildlife refuge
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-1997