Koshi Tappu
- Pays:Népal
- Numéro du site:380
- Superficie:17'500 ha
- Date d’inscription:17-12-1987
- Coordonnées:26°39'N 86°58'E
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Koshi Tappu. 17/12/87; Kosi; 17,500 ha; 26°39'N 086°59'E. Nature Reserve. A section of the Sapta Kosi River and its floodplain of extensive mudflats, reedbeds, and freshwater marshes. An important staging area for waterbirds, the site supports several species of notable birds (including the Bengal Falcon, Oriental White Ibis, and White-tailed Eagle), and notable mammals, such as the panther. Located in a densely populated area, the site is subject to livestock grazing and attempts by local people to re-establish themselves in the reserve. Land use in surrounding areas includes subsistence fishing and rice cultivation. Ramsar site no. 380. Most recent RIS information: 1995.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- nature reserve
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-1995