Caño Negro
- Pays:Costa Rica
- Numéro du site:541
- Superficie:9'969 ha
- Date d’inscription:27-12-1991
- Coordonnées:10°52'N 84°45'W
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Caño Negro. 27/12/91; Alajuela; 9,969 ha; 10°52'N 084°45'W. Part of the International System of Protected Areas for Peace; National Wildlife Refuge. A shallow freshwater lagoon near the Nicaraguan border, surrounded by seasonally inundated marshes and woodland. Part of an important network of Nicaraguan and Costa Rican wetlands used seasonally by many species of breeding or migrating waterbirds. The site supports small numbers of the endangered stork, Jabiru mycteria, important populations of the reptile Caiman crocodilus fuscus and the fish Atractosteus tropicus. A scientific research station is maintained. Ramsar site no. 541. Most recent RIS information: 1991.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- national wildlife refuge
- Date de dernière publication:27-12-1991
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
FDR archivées
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