Delaware Bay Estuary
- Pays:États-Unis d’Amérique
- Numéro du site:559
- Superficie:51'252 ha
- Date d’inscription:20-05-1992
- Coordonnées:39°10'N 75°13'W
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Delaware Bay Estuary. 20/05/92; Delaware, New Jersey; 51,252 ha; 39°11'N 075°14'W. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve, National Wildlife Refuge, Wildlife Management Area, Fish & Wildlife Management Area, Nature Preserve, State Park. Major estuarine system in an ecological transition zone. The site consists of more than 70 separate protected wetland areas of varying salinity supporting various marsh communities. An important staging area for over 90% of the North American populations of several migratory shorebird species. More than one million individuals use the region, making it one of the two most important staging areas on the Atlantic coast of North America. Notable flora and fauna include five species of marine turtles, the endangered eagle Haliaetus leucocephalus, and several rare or endangered plants. The crab fishery and hunting is valued at over $85.5 million per year. Ramsar site no. 559. Most recent RIS information: 1992.
Région administrative:
Delaware,New Jersey
- Inscription légale nationale:
- national wildlife refuge
- Date de dernière publication:20-05-1992