- Pays:Lituanie
- Numéro du site:627
- Superficie:3'218 ha
- Date d’inscription:20-08-1993
- Coordonnées:55°08'N 22°26'E
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Viesvile (Vieavil). 04/10/93; Taurage; 3,218 ha; 55°09'N 022°27'E. Strict Nature Reserve, Natura 2000, pSCI. Undisturbed representative complex of bogs, swamps and mires in the upper reaches of Viesvile rivulet surrounded by dry coniferous forests on a sandy plane with continental dunes. Dominate wetland types include forested and non-forested peatlands and freshwater tree dominated wetlands. The site holds a number of habitats as well as plant and animal species of European and national concern, including those dependent on natural hydrological regime. It is an important breeding area for Golden Plovers and other threatened waterbird species. Swamps play significant role in replenishing resources of clean ground water. At present the area is used for scientific research and monitoring, ecological education and restricted sightseeing tourism; there is a nature trail to raised bog. Present threats include dry summers and overgrowing of open bogs and fens, lack of natural disturbances caused by fires, presence of alien species (Racoon Dog), illegal fishing and hunting, as well as (on surrounding areas) forest cuttings and declining of grazing and haymaking. Ramsar Site no. 627. Most recent RIS information: 2010.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- strict nature reserve - Viesvile
- Inscriptions juridiques régionales (internationales):
- UE Natura 2000
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-2010
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
FDR archivées
Carte du site
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