Bowling Green Bay
- Pays:Australie
- Numéro du site:632
- Superficie:35'500 ha
- Date d’inscription:22-10-1993
- Coordonnées:19°27'S 147°15'E
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Bowling Green Bay. 22/10/93; Queensland; 35,500 ha; 19°27'S 147°15'E. National Park, Fish Habitat Reserve. A representation of the major, coastal communities of the north Australian wet-dry tropics. The coastal plain includes mangrove forest, mudflats and saltmarshes providing breeding habitat for predatory fish and waterbirds. Of 244 bird species, 103 breed here and 13 species are rare, vulnerable or endangered. The site supports several species of plants, mammals, amphibians and reptiles also rare, vulnerable or endangered. The seagrass beds provide feeding habitat for the threatened herbivores Dugong dugong and Chelonia mydas. The site is contiguous with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the Bowling Green Bay Fish Habitat Reserve. Human activities include commercial and recreational harvesting of fish and shellfish and recreational pursuits. Ramsar site no. 632. Most recent RIS information: 1999.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- national park
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-1999