Pskovsko-Chudskaya Lowland

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Pskovsko-Chudskaya Lowland

  • Pays: 
    Fédération de Russie
  • Numéro du site: 
  • Superficie: 
    93'600 ha
  • Date d’inscription: 
  • Coordonnées: 
    58°09'N 27°52'E
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Pskovsko-Chudskaya Lowland. 13/09/94; Pskov Oblast; 93,600 ha; 58°09'N 027°52'E. Nature Reserve, Ornithological Reserve, Nature Monuments. A system of interconnected freshwater lakes, bordering Estonia, and set in a large glacial depression. The site includes marshes of various types, floodplain meadows, rivers and streams surrounded by coniferous and mixed deciduous forests, agricultural land, and human settlements. The area, on an important bird migration route between the Baltic and the White Seas, links breeding areas in the tundra and northern taiga. Internationally important populations of breeding, migrating and molting waterbirds, including several rare and endangered species, are supported. The lakes are highly productive spawning, nursery and feeding areas for fish. The wetlands are an important supply of drinking water and support a rich biodiversity, including numerous rare and endangered species of plants and animals. Human activities include transport, recreation, and commercial and sport fisheries. Ramsar site no. 669. Most recent RIS information: 1997.

Région administrative: 
Pskov Oblast

  • Inscription légale nationale: 
    • nature monument
    • zakaznik/nature sanctuary
  • Date de dernière publication: 


Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)