Uchhali Complex
- Pays:Pakistan
- Numéro du site:818
- Superficie:1'243 ha
- Date d’inscription:22-03-1996
- Coordonnées:32°37'N 72°00'E
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Uchhali Complex (including Khabbaki, Uchhali and Jahlar Lakes). 22/03/96; Punjab; 1,243 ha; 32°37'N 072°00'E. Game Reserve; Wildlife Sanctuary. Three separate brackish to saline lakes of fluctuating levels, surrounded by agricultural fields, located in the heart of the Salt Range. An important wintering area for the rare or vulnerable White-headed Duck, Ferruginous Duck, Greylag Goose, and flamingos. Villagers depend on the wetland for their domestic water supply. Human activities include fishing, livestock grazing, recreation, and illegal hunting. Ramsar site no. 818. Most recent RIS information: 1996.
Région administrative:
Punjab Province
- Inscription légale nationale:
- game reserve - Ucchali
- wildlife sanctuary - Khabbaki and Jahlar
- Date de dernière publication:22-03-1996
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
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