Ria de Alvor
- Pays:Portugal
- Numéro du site:827
- Superficie:1'454 ha
- Date d’inscription:08-05-1996
- Coordonnées:37°08'N 08°36'W
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Ria de Alvor. 08/05/96; Regiao Algarve; 1,454 ha; 37°08'N 008°37' W. Protected Landscape Area; National Ecological Reserve. A coastal lagoon and estuarine wetland system separated from the sea by sand spits. The site includes stable and mobile dunes with characteristic vegetation, intertidal sand and mudflats, tidal saltmarshes, and salt pans. An important stopover site for many trans-saharan passerines, with nationally important numbers of several species of avifauna breeding at the site. The area is most valued for its aquatic life, which includes important commercial shellfish production. A field station and bird-ringing station are located at the site. Ramsar site no. 827. Most recent RIS information: 1997.
Région administrative:
Regiao Algarve
- Inscription légale nationale:
- national ecological reserve
- zone for nature protection
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-1997