Isla del Coco
- Pays:Costa Rica
- Numéro du site:940
- Superficie:99'623 ha
- Date d’inscription:10-04-1998
- Coordonnées:05°33'N 86°58'W
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Isla del Coco. 21/04/98; 99,623 ha; 5°32'N 086°59'W. World Heritage site; National Park. The island is of volcanic origin and its highest point is 634 m above sea level with 7,000 mm of rainfall per year. There are two plant associations, one the evergreen forest with South American similarity, on the hilly areas, and a coastal one (dominated by a sedge Hypolitum amplum). It is considered to be one of the areas of highest endemism in the country, with five endemic vertebrate species and 16% of the plant species. Surrounding the island there are coral reefs, with 18 species and more than 300 fish species, which in some areas reach concentrations of 1,500-24,000 individuals/km2. A shelter for pirates during the 17th and 18th century. The site includes a swampy, coastal zone, a cloud forest and mountainous areas. The area is important for the reproduction of certain species, and large numbers of waterbirds nest in the area. The primary tourist activity is diving. Ramsar site no. 940. Most recent RIS information: 1998.
Région administrative:
- Inscriptions légales internationales générales:
- Bien du patrimoine mondial
- Inscription légale nationale:
- national park
- Date de dernière publication:10-04-1998