Martimoaapa - Lumiaapa - Penikat Mires
- Country:Finland
- Site number:11
- Area:14,086 ha
- Designation date:28-05-1974
- Coordinates:65°50'N 25°07'E
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The Site is an extensive fenland complex with active raised bogs and other other types of mire, including six extensive and well developed aapa mires, interspersed with small lakes, pools, streams, flarks and old forest. The eccentric bog of Martimoaapa is one of the most valuable mires for birds in Finland. The Site’s location near the coast of the Bothnian Bay increases its importance as a staging place for migrating waterfowl and waders as well as for breeding raptors and waterbirds including the vulnerable horned grebe (Podiceps auratus). The nationally critically endangered black-eyed rosette lichen (Physcia phaea) is found. Human uses of the mires include scientific research, outdoor recreation, mushroom and berry picking, licensed fishing and reindeer husbandry. Four wilderness huts, a birdwatching tower, a 13-kilometre hiking trail and 2.5km nature trail have been constructed in the Mire Protection Area established in 1981. The Site is also used for training by the Finnish Defence Forces. A snowmobile trail has been planned to avoid the impact on sensitive early-breeding species.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- Mire Conservation Programme
- Protected Area
- Regional (international) legal designations:
- EU Natura 2000
- Last publication date:27-04-2023