Tourbière du Lac Noir

tourbière du lac noir
tourbière du lac noir
Lac noir
lac noir
lac noir

Tourbière du Lac Noir

  • Country: 
  • Site number: 
  • Area: 
    5 ha
  • Designation date: 
  • Coordinates: 
    36°51'N 08°12'E
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The Site is a former lake, which was accidentally drained by the drilling of a well for drinking water in 1990 and the building of the road connecting the towns of Annaba and El Kala. All that remains is the underlying peat bog. Analysis of pollen and grain spores shows the succession of vegetation over time, as the old and species-rich marsh surrounded by a dense forest was replaced by the peat bog, a rare type of natural wetland in the region. The Site is home to many rare animal and plant species, including the yellow water lily Nuphar luteum, which was present before the lake was drained. It is visited by Barbary red deer, European genet, Egyptian mongoose and spotted hyena. Frequent fires present a continuing threat. The site does not have a management plan but a restoration plan is being implemented, as well as monitoring of birds, plant species and the hydrological regime.

Administrative region: 
El Tarf

  • Global international designation: 
    • UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
  • National legal designation: 
    • Parc National - El Kala
    • Réserve intégrale - Parc National El Kala
  • Last publication date: 