Laguna de Zapotlán
- Country:Mexico
- Site number:1466
- Area:1,496 ha
- Designation date:05-06-2005
- Coordinates:19°45'N 103°28'W
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Laguna de Zapotlán.05/06/05; Jalisco; 1,496 ha; 19°45'N 103°29'W. Located in the lowest part of the Zapotlán endorreic watershed, the lagoon stands out for hosting a considerable number of threatened and endangered species such as the Mexican long-tongued bat (Choeronycteris mexicana), the milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum), whipsnake (Masticophis flagellum), and Mexican pine snake (Pituophis deppei). It is an area of refuge for an average of 25,000 waterfowl. The site contains around 50 wells and six freshwater springs, and constitutes a key water reservoir in the region, as well as a water body receiving nearly 34,000 m3 of treated urban wastewater. The Zapotlán Lagoon is currently under pressure caused by the surrounding population. Ramsar Site No. 1466. Most recent RIS information: 2005.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- Sitio de interés cinegético
- Áreas Prioritarias para la Conservación del la Región II
- Last publication date:05-06-2005