Bayerische Wildalm

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Bayerische Wildalm

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Bayerische Wildalm. 09/10/07; Bayern; 7 ha; 47°35'N 011°47'E. Flora-Fauna-Habitat, EC Directive SPA. An area of remarkable peatland concentration in the southern state of Bavaria which extends across the frontier to the Austrian Ramsar site of the same name. The site is a karst depression, or polje, with a natural brook that vanishes into one big and several small ponors (swallow hole). The bottom of the polje is covered completely by a fen which is hydrologically controlled both by water coming from the sloping fens along the polje slopes and by periodic floods of the brook. The mires show typical features of mire type representative for the Limestone Alps, with many endangered plant species, which form the chief basis for the site's nomination to the List. Ramsar site no. 1723. Most recent RIS information: 2007.
Transboundary designation: 
Bayerische Wildalm Ramsar Site is part of the "Austrian-Bavarian Wildalm" Transboundary Ramsar Site together with Bayerische Wildalm and Wildalmfilz Ramsar Site (No. 1489) in Austria. The Transboundary Ramsar Site was established in August 2008.

Administrative region: 

  • National legal designation: 
    • Flora-fauna-habitat 8336-371.01
    • Special Protected Area DE 8336-471
  • Last publication date: 


Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)

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