Apoi Creek Forests
- Country:Nigeria
- Site number:1751
- Area:29,213 ha
- Designation date:30-04-2008
- Coordinates:04°42'N 05°47'E
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Apoi Creek Forests. 30/04/08; Bayelsa; 29,213 ha;05°47'N 004°42'E. Forest Reserve. A tidal freshwater, lowland swamp-forest located in the Central Niger Delta and composed mainly of marshes, mangrove forests and fresh water swamps. The forest is dense and rich in several ecologically and economically valuable flora and fauna species. The site supports the endemic and endangered Niger Delta Red Colobus monkey amongst others, and serves as an important spawning and nursery ground for fish. It also contributes to the livelihood of local dwellers through provision of non-timber forest products, agricultural land and fisheries. Digging of canals for transport of timber constitutes a potential threat. The site is technically state-owned but practically under customary authority of local families and communities. The Niger Delta Wetlands Centre works for the study and protection of the Red Colobus and its habitat. Ramsar site no. 1751. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Administrative region:
Bayelsa State
- Last publication date:30-04-2008