Sistema Lagunar San Ignacio - Navachiste - Macapule
- Country:Mexico
- Site number:1826
- Area:79,872.9 ha
- Designation date:02-02-2008
- Coordinates:25°25'N 108°48'W
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Sistema lagunar San Ignacio-Navachiste-Macapule. 02/02/08; Sinaloa; 79,873 ha. 25°26´N 108°48´W. This coastal/lagoon system is situated in the Gulf of California and is habitat to 21 endangered species and considered of great importance for maintaining biological diversity. 87 species of terrestrial and halofitic plants have been registered. The mangroves found in the site are Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia germinans y Rizophora mangle. Among the noteworthy fauna found in this site are the dolphin Tursiops truncatus, sea lion Zalophus californianus and three marine turtles (Chelonia agassizii, Eretmochelys imbricata and Lepidcochelys olivacea). It is considered an Important Bird Area (IBA), supporting nesting species such as Phalacrocorax olivaceus and Fregata magnifiscens and other species such as Ardea herodias herodias, Cathartes aura, Pandión haliaetus and Caracara cheriway. Traditional fishing and shrimp farming (species Litopenaeus stylirostris, L. vanamei, Farfantepenaeus californiensis and F. brevirostris) are the main activities undertaken in the site.
Administrative region:
- Global international designation:
- World Heritage site
- Last publication date:02-02-2008