Lac Baai

Mangrove creek Lac Baai
Canoeing at Lac Baai
Fence at Lac Baai to prevent grazing livestock entering the mangroves.
Salt pan Cai at Lac Baai

Lac Baai

  • Country: 
    Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • Site number: 
  • Area: 
    1,550 ha
  • Designation date: 
  • Coordinates: 
    12°06'N 68°13'W
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Lac Baai (formerly Het Lac) on the south-eastern shore of Bonaire is the largest inland bay in the Dutch Caribbean. This shallow bay with dense sea grass beds is fringed by mangroves and separated from the sea by coral debris and red algae. The mangroves are an important nursery for conch and many species of reef fish and also a critical foraging ground for globally endangered juvenile green turtles and rainbow parrotfish. The Site is an important breeding, wintering and foraging area for waterbirds such as herons, egrets and pelicans. In 2021, the Site was extended to include a 500-metre buffer zone which covers part of the fringing reefs of Bonaire, where sea turtles sleep and practically every species of hard and soft coral of the Caribbean can be found. Besides the impacts of tourism, the biggest threat to the Site is overgrazing by extensively-farmed livestock which is accelerating the infilling of the bay with nutrients and sediment. This is hampering water circulation and causing algae blooms and mangrove die-off.

Administrative region: 
Lac Baai lies on Bonaire island, in the Caribbean Netherlands

  • Global international designation: 
    • World Heritage site
  • National legal designation: 
    • National Park - Bonaire National Marine Park
  • Last publication date: 


Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)

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