Cabo Orange National Park
- Country:Brazil
- Site number:2190
- Area:657,328 ha
- Designation date:02-02-2013
- Coordinates:03°38'N 51°11'W
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Cabo Orange National Park (Parque Nacional do Cabo Orange). 02/02/2013; Amapá; 657,328 ha; 03°38’59"N 051°11’24”W. An extensive site characterized by periodically and permanently flooded grasslands, unique in the Amazon region, as well as by its mangroves, which act as “fish nurseries” and are vital for the maintenance of some of Brazil´s most important fisheries. The site is rich in biodiversity and supports globally threatened species such as the Black Bearded Saki (Chiropotes satanas), the Great Billed Seed Finch (Sporophila maximiliani), the yellow spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) and the Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) among others. To date, 358 species of birds, 19 species of plants, 54 species of mammals have been identified in the park. Apart from its biodiversity and water resources, the associated marine and estuarine fisheries production is essential for the economy of Brazil, which has made the area one of the most intensively fished areas in the region with overfishing and illegal fishing constituting the main threat to the site. Other threats include the spread of the invasive species of shrimp Macrobrachium rosembergii, overexploitation of two species of turtles (Podocnemis unifilis and Podocnemis expansa), and forest fires. Ramsar Site no. 2190. Most recent RIS information: 2013.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- National Park - Cabo Orange
- Last publication date:02-02-2013