Rosenheim Basin Bogs
- Country:Germany
- Site number:2444
- Area:1,039.2 ha
- Designation date:07-12-2020
- Coordinates:47°47'N 12°02'E
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The Rosenheim Basin Bogs make up one of the largest peatland complexes of the Alpine foothills in southern Germany. The Site is comprised of the peatlands Rote Filze, Abgebrannte Filze, Sterntaler Filze, Kollerfilze and Hochrunsfilze. They were drained and peat was extracted from the beginning of the 1800s to fuel salt pans and for beer brewing. Today these moors have been largely returned to their natural state, and many habitats have been restored for nationally vulnerable or endangered species including the spotted darter dragonfly (Sympetrum depressiusculum), the meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) and the great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor excubitor), a bird that winters in the Site. The restoration of these peatlands has also had a positive effect on the local climate, local water cycle, water retention and flood prevention. As part of the restoration project, two visitor centres for extensive public relations work and education on the protection of bogs were opened at the Site.
Administrative region:
District of Rosenheim (Landkreis Rosenheim), Bavaria
- National legal designation:
- Landschaftsschutzgebiet - Auwaldbestand in den Kaltenbachauen
- Landschaftsschutzgebiet - Hochrunstfilze
- Naturdenkmal - Hubersee
- Naturdenkmal - Moorschlenken in der Abgebrannten Filze
- Regional (international) legal designations:
- EU Natura 2000
- Last publication date:01-02-2021
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Site map
Additional reports and documents
- Site management plan
- Other published literature