Hochstetter Forland
- Country:Denmark (Greenland)
- Site number:390
- Area:207,000 ha
- Designation date:27-01-1988
- Coordinates:75°28'N 19°47'W
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Hochstetter Forland is an extensive lowland area gently sloping down to the Greenland Sea. The higher parts are dominated by dwarf scrub heaths, and the lower areas by grassland, marshes, and numerous ponds. Two large rivers cross the lowland on their way to the sea. The Site supports a rich diversity of breeding waterbirds and is an especially important moulting area for the pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus). It also hosts several nationally and internationally endangered species, such as the Arctic wolf, the polar bear and the snowy owl. One of the only three species of freshwater fish in Greenland, the Arctic char, spawns in the Site. The surrounding sea is covered by ice throughout most of the year, and some seasonal harvesting of natural resources is carried out by local people, although hunting is regulated.
Administrative region:
Northeast Greenland National Park
- National legal designation:
- Areas important for wildlife (Anon. 2000)
- National Park - North and East Greenland National Park
- Ramsar site - Hochstetter Forland
- Last publication date:15-05-2019
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Archived RIS
Site map
Additional reports and documents
- A description of the site in a national or regional wetland inventory