Lake Fertö

Aerial view of Fertőrákos Bay at Lake Fertő

Lake Fertö

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The Site comprises a portion of the Lake Fertö alkaline steppe and the Herlakni and Oberlakni lake areas. Both sectors support extensive reedbeds, saline grassland, marshland and open waters. The area is important for the breeding, wintering and staging of several species of internationally endangered waterbirds such as lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) and red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis). The Site also supports endemic plant and invertebrate species which are important for maintaining the biological diversity of the Pannonic biogeographic region. The lake plays an important role in sediment trapping and climate modification but is in a state of advanced eutrophication. Human activities include traditional fishing, reed harvesting and recreation. There are two visitor centers, nature trails and bird watching towers. In the surrounding area outstanding castles and classical Roman era sites such as a temple to Mithras give a particular cultural value to the Site.
Transboundary designation: 
Lake Fertö Ramsar Site is part of the "Neusiedler See-Seewinkel – Fertö-Hanság" Transboundary Ramsar Site together with Nyirkai-Hany Ramsar Site (No. 1644) in Hungary and Neusiedlersee, Seewinkel & Hanság Ramsar Site (No. 271) in Austria. The Transboundary Ramsar Site was established in November 2009.

Administrative region: 
Györ-Moson-Sopron county

  • Global international designation: 
    • World Heritage site
    • UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
  • National legal designation: 
    • national park - Fertö-Hanság National Park
  • Regional (international) legal designations: 
    • EU Natura 2000
  • Last publication date: 


Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)

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