Tralee Bay

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Tralee Bay

  • Country: 
  • Site number: 
  • Area: 
    861 ha
  • Designation date: 
  • Coordinates: 
    52°15'N 09°48'W
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


Tralee Bay. 10/07/89; Kerry; 861 ha; 52°16'N 009°48'W. Special Protection Area EC Directive; Nature Reserve. A shallow embayment fringed by sandy beaches and protected from the sea by a rocky promontory and sand spits. The site includes a compound spit of a series of pebble beaches and sand dunes and extensive saltmarsh and mudflats. This complex of habitats is of considerable geomorphological and botanical interest. The mudflats support one of the four largest areas of Zostera (Z. noltii and Z. angustifolia) in Ireland. In winter the reserve supports internationally important numbers of the goose Branta bernicla hrota and various other waterbirds. Ramsar site no. 440.

Administrative region: 

  • National legal designation: 
    • nature reserve
  • Regional (international) legal designations: 
    • EU Natura 2000
  • Last publication date: 


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