- Country:Spain
- Site number:454
- Area:20,956 ha
- Designation date:05-12-1989
- Coordinates:39°17'N 00°20'W
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Situated on the Mediterranean coast next to the city of Valencia, L’Albufera is a large coastal lagoon fed by streams, rivers and irrigation channels. It is comprised of permanent fresh waters, a sandy shoreline belt and rice paddies. The wetland is exceptionally biodiverse, containing more than 2,000 different taxa, with a notable representation of endemic and threatened species. Up to 45 different animal species found in the area are threatened, many of them waterbirds. The overall waterbird numbers reach a mean of 80,000 annual individuals, the most abundant being Anas clypeata, Netta rufina and Plegadis falcinellus during winter and Ardeola ralloides and Gelochelidon nilotica during breeding periods. All of these species appear in internationally important numbers, reaching more than 1% of their biogeographical population. The presence of internationally threatened endemic fish such as Valencia hispanica (Valencia toothcarp, locally known as samaruc) and Aphanius Iberus (Spanish killifish or fartet) is also noteworthy. Despite an increase in water quality, the wetland has been receiving less water due to agricultural activities. Two educational centres in the wetland regularly implement conservation awareness programmes.
Administrative region:
Comunitat Valenciana
- National legal designation:
- Humedal del Catálogo de Zonas Húmedas de la Comunitat Valenciana - Humedal 7-Parque Natural de l'Albufera de València (Acuerdo de 10 de septiembre de 2002, del Gobierno Valenciano, de aprobación del Catálogo de Zonas Húmedas de la Comunidad Valenciana; DOGV nº 4336, de 16/09/2002)
- Humedal del Inventario Español de Zonas Húmedas - IH523003–Parque Natural de l'Albufera de Valencia (Resolución de 9 de marzo de 2011, de la DGMNPF, por la que se incluyen en el Inventario Español de Zonas Húmedas 48 humedales de la Comunitat Valenciana; BOE nº 71, de 24/03/2011)
- Microrreserva de flora - Microrreserva de flora Llacuna del Samaruc (Orden de 22 de octubre de 2002, de la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, por la que se declaran 22 microrreservas vegetales en la provincia de Valencia; DOGV nº 4.390, de 02/12/2002)
- Microrreserva de flora - Microrreserva de flora Muntanyeta dels Sants (Orden de 17 de julio de 2006, de la Conselleria de Territorio y Vivienda, por la que se declaran 16 microrreservas vegetales en la provincia de Valencia; DOGV nº 5.343, de 11/09/2006)
- Parque Natural - Parque Natural de L’Albufera (Ley 11/1994, de 27 de diciembre, de la Generalitat Valenciana, de Espacios Naturales Protegidos de la Comunidad Valenciana; DOGV nº 2423, de 09/01/1995)
- Reserva de Fauna - Reserva de Fauna La Llacuna (Decreto 265/2004, de 3 de diciembre, del Consell de la Generalitat, por el que se aprueba el Plan de Recuperación del Samaruc en la Comunidad Valenciana; DOGV nº 4.902, de 14/12/2004)
- Regional (international) legal designations:
- EU Natura 2000
- Last publication date:14-07-2020
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Additional reports and documents
- Taxonomic lists of plant and animal species occurring in the site
- A description of the site in a national or regional wetland inventory
- Other published literature