Ile Alcatraz
- Country:Guinea
- Site number:571
- Area:1 ha
- Designation date:18-11-1992
- Coordinates:10°37'N 15°22'W
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Ile Alcatraz. 18/11/92; Kamsar, Boke; 1 ha; 10°38'N 015°23'W. Shallow marine waters, sandy intertidal zones, and two small islands. The larger (Ile Alcatraz) is rocky, devoid of vegetation and covered by a thick layer of guano, providing nesting habitat for the largest colony (3,000 pairs) of Sula leucogaster in West Africa. Ile de Naufrage, a low sand bank, remains uncovered at high tide, providing a roost for 6 species of terns. Surrounding waters support dolphins and marine turtles. Ramsar site no. 571. Most recent RIS information: 1990.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- Sanctuary status
- Last publication date:18-11-1992