Zeya-Bureya Plains

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Zeya-Bureya Plains

  • Country: 
    Russian Federation
  • Site number: 
  • Area: 
    31,600 ha
  • Designation date: 
  • Coordinates: 
    49°55'N 127°39'E
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Zeya-Bureya Plains. 13/09/94; Amur Oblast; 31,600 ha; 49°55'N 127°39'E. Wildlife Refuge, Nature Park. Extensive floodplains of the Zeya and Bureya rivers consisting of islands, beaches, a complex of levees, oxbow lakes, marshes, and old river terraces. Vegetation consists of wet meadows with herbs and includes dry meadows, grass fens, and patches of oak forest. Various rare animal and plant species occur at the site. The area is important for large numbers of migrating and breeding waterbirds, including rare species. Human activities include agriculture, livestock grazing, and sport fishing. Ramsar site no. 685. Most recent RIS information: 1997.

Administrative region: 
Amur Oblast

  • National legal designation: 
    • Zakaznik - Muravjevsky Wildlife Refuge
  • Last publication date: 


Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)