Moroshechnaya River
- Country:Russian Federation
- Site number:695
- Area:219,000 ha
- Designation date:13-09-1994
- Coordinates:56°21'N 156°15'E
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Moroshechnaya River. 13/09/94; Korak Autonomous Area; 219,000 ha; 56°21'N 156°15'E. Wildlife Refuge; Shorebird Network Site. A steppe-like valley of the Moroshechnaya River, with numerous oxbow lakes and a saline lagoon. Principal habitats are non-forested raised bogs with pools and ridges, supporting Sphagnum, Empetrum nigrum, and Salix middendorfi. Vegetation is dominated by floodplain tundra, mire and meadow communities, with patches of mixed Betula ermanii, Pinus pumila, and Salix sp. forests. The area provides important habitat for migrating, feeding, breeding and molting populations of waterbirds. Breeding species include various geese, ducks and colonial sea birds. The wetland supports the largest population of Anser fabalis in the region, large numbers of which molt and stage at the site. Migrating waterbirds include up to 500,000 ducks and several thousand waders. Human activities include traditional reindeer grazing, fishing, hunting, and foraging. Ramsar site no. 695. Most recent RIS information: 1997.
Administrative region:
Koryakski Autonomous Okrug
- National legal designation:
- zakaznik/nature sanctuary
- Last publication date:01-01-1997