Kuban Delta: Group of limans between Kuban & Protoka Rivers
- Pays:Fédération de Russie
- Numéro du site:674
- Superficie:88'400 ha
- Date d’inscription:13-09-1994
- Coordonnées:45°30'N 37°48'E
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Kuban Delta: Akhtaro-Grivenskaya group of limans. 13/09/94; Krasnodarsky Krai; 84,600 ha; 44°50'N 038°30'E, and Kuban Delta: Group of limans between rivers Kuban & Protoka. 13/09/94; Krasnodarsky Krai; 88,400 ha; 45°30'N 037°48'E. Federal Nature Reserve, State Nature Reserve. An extensive network of shallow reservoirs, rice fields, streams, and irrigation canals, supporting diverse aquatic vegetation. The site includes a foredelta system, saline, brackish and freshwater lakes, coastal shallows, and lagoons. The area, on a major bird migration route, supports large migrating (1.2 to two million birds), staging, breeding (46 species), and wintering (up to 500,000 birds) populations of waterbirds. The delta also supports a diversity of fish species and commercially important breeding populations of sturgeon. Human activities include mowing, grazing, commercial fishing, hunting, forestry, and recreation. Ramsar sites no. 675 and 674. Most recent RIS information: 1997.
Région administrative:
Krasnodarsk Krai
- Inscription légale nationale:
- nature reserve
- zakaznik/nature sanctuary
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-1997
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
Carte du site
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