Anavilhanas National Park
- Country:Brazil
- Site number:2296
- Area:350,469.8 ha
- Designation date:22-03-2017
- Coordinates:02°28'S 60°49'W
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Anavilhanas National Park is located in the state of Amazonas on the lower course of the Rio Negro (“Black River”) within the tropical rainforest of the Amazon basin. Of great scenic beauty, the Site features various forest formations, as well as river and lake ecosystems. On the islands of the vast Anavilhanas archipelago in the Rio Negro, 48 species of birds have been recorded, as well as the margay (Leopardus wiedii) a small cat, and the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the largest South American freshwater herbivore, which is endemic to the Amazon basin. The Rio Negro is an important waterway for traditional communities settled along the banks. The threats to the Site’s natural resources include logging on the archipelago’s islands, commercial fishing, hunting, trafficking of wild animals and sand mining.
Administrative region:
Amazonas state
- Global international designation:
- World Heritage site
- UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
- National legal designation:
- mosaic of Conservation Units - mosaic of Conservation Units of the Lower Negro River region
- protected area - Anavilhanas National Park
- Last publication date:10-07-2017
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Site map
Additional reports and documents
- Other published literature