Setté Cama
- Country:Gabon
- Site number:353
- Area:240,000 ha
- Designation date:30-12-1986
- Coordinates:02°44'S 10°11'E
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Located a few kilometres south of Petit Loango, the Site comprises a wildlife reserve and a hunting concession. The landscape consists of a slightly undulating sandy plain with several lakes (in particular the Ndougou lagoon), marshes and swamps, interspersed with patches of savannah. The area hosts significant biodiversity, with 15 species of bats, approximately 75 of amphibians and reptiles, and more than 450 of birds. It is also important for several endangered mammals, including elephants, duikers and hippopotamus. Several fish species use the wetland as spawning, feeding and breeding grounds, while turtles nest along the coast. The Site is used by local populations for agriculture and traditional fishing, while water is pumped from the lagoon to supply the town of Gamba. Oil exploitation has taken place at the lagoon for the past 50 years, with the company putting in place regulatory measures against hunting, as well as other environmental regulations. The area is also used for tourism and for scientific research on turtles and mammals including whales. An office of the Wildlife Brigade of the Ministry of Water and Forest in Setté Cama is responsible for controlling poaching in the region.
Administrative region:
Ogooué Maritime
- National legal designation:
- National Park
- Sustainably Managed Area of Fauna
- hunting area
- wildlife reserve
- Last publication date:28-03-2017
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Site map
Additional reports and documents
- Other published literature