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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


  1. Rondevlei (looking southwards over the vlei towards Muizenberg Peak and Cape Point)
    Oblique view of the False Bay Nature Reserve looking north-westwards towards the city. The Strandfontein Birding Area is in the foreground, Zeekoevlei in the middle right and Rondevlei, middle left.
    Rondevlei (looking westwards from Zeekoevlei towards Muizenberg Peak and Silvermine)
    Strandfontein Birding Area (looking southwards from Zeekoevlei towards Cape Point).  The construction of the new FBNR headquarters node (now completed)  is visible in the foreground of the photo.
    Zeekoevlei (looking northwards across the vlei from Strandfontein Birding Area towards Devil’s Peak)
    Hippos in Rondevlei
    Various pictures at Strandfontein Birding Area
    Management Activities in the False Bay Nature Reserve
    Newly completed infrastructure on Zeekoevlei Eastern Shore, including braai areas (top left), ablution  facilities (top right) and a landscaped central picnic area (bottom).
    False Bay Nature Reserve Headquarters Complex (left), showing community use of the multi-purpose hall and associated courtyard (top centre and right) and Architect’s impression of the now completed Complex (bottom right).
    Top Left: Boat trip on Rondevlei; Top Right and Bottom Left: Bird hides at Rondevlei; Bottom Right: Picnic Area at Rondevlei; Centre: Erica Verticillata (Cape Flats Erica) classified as  ‘Extinct in the Wild’, and now growing at  Rondevlei
    Environmental Education activities taking place within the FBNR
    Top Left: Start of the 2014 ‘Birdathon’ Fun Family Walk on Zeekoevlei’s Eastern Shore 
Top Right: The ‘Birdathon’ Festival at the central picnic area of Zeekoevlei’s Eastern Shore
Bottom Left: Participants at one on the Quiz stations on the 2014 Fun Walk; 
Bottom Right: Eagle Encounters’ education d
    Friends and Neighbour Initiative, the ‘Other side of the Fence’ at Village Heights informal settlement on the western boundary of the FBNR.  The  FBNR boundary  and interface zone between the settlement and the reserve can be seen in the photo on the bottom right, with the other photographs showing
    National Department of Tourism funded EPWP project on Zeekoevlei’s eastern shore

    False Bay Nature Reserve

    • Country: 
      South Africa
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      9 year(s)
    1,542 ha
  2. La rivière Kouyou en amont (vers Ngoko)
    Savane inondée, site Tchicapika-Owando
    Rivière Locko


    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      9 year(s)
    970,166 ha
  3. Vileity site's flora elements
    Beaver's dam closint the drainage canals  in Vileity site
    Flooded meadows in Vileity site


    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      8 year(s)
    8,452 ha
  4. Meadows and swamps within the site are located mainly within rivers' floodplains, old river's channels.


    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      8 year(s)
    18,341 ha
  5. Tanne rencontré avant les mangroves
    Mangroves de Sahamalaza
    Baie de Sahamalaza
    Baie de Sahamalaza

    Zones Humides de Sahamalaza

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      7 year(s)
    24,049 ha
  6. Forêt sèche en bordure du lac Ravelobe
    Haliaeetus vociferoides
    Lac Ankomakoma
    Lac Antsilomba
    Lac Matsaboribiby
    Lac Ravelobe
    Lac Tsimaloto
    Haliaeetus vociferoides

    Zones Humides Ankarafantsika (CLSA)

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      7 year(s)
    33,145 ha
  7. Panoramic of Bot/Kleinmond Estuarine System
    Bot/Kleinmond Estuarine System
     images of breaching of the Bot River Estuary including pre and post breaching.
    Images of breaching of the Bot River Estuary including pre and post breaching.
    Images of breaching of the Bot River Estuary including pre and post breaching.
    Images of breaching of the Bot River Estuary including pre and post breaching.
    Images of breaching of the Bot River Estuary including pre and post breaching.
    Images of breaching of the Bot River Estuary including pre and post breaching.

    Bot - Kleinmond Estuarine System

    • Country: 
      South Africa
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      7 year(s)
    1,350 ha
  8. Photo 1: Un pêcheur apprêtant son embarquement sur le fleuve Mouhoun
    Photo 2: Engins de pêche utilisés dans le site Ramsar
    Photo 3: Prise de poissons durant la période défavorable
    Photo 4: Transformation du poisson pêché dans le site Ramsar
    Photo 5: Poisson pêché dans le site Ramsar
    Photo 6: Panneau de signalisation de la concession de chasse de Kalio à l'intérieur du site
    Photo 7: Transport sur la portion du fleuve dans la forêt de Kari (commune de Tchériba)
    Photo 8: Passage du chemin de fer sur le principal cours d'eau dans le site Ramsar
    Photo 9: Transport d'agrégats (le sable) prélevés dans les limites du site Ramsar
    Photo 10: Panneau de signalisation de la Forêt classée de Tissé, une des 9 forêts classées comprises dans les limites du site Ramsar
    Photo 11: Vue panoramique du fleuve Mouhoun dans la commune de Tchériba
    Séance d'entretien avec le Maire de la commune rurale de Zamo riveraine au site Ramsar sur le processus de caractérisation du site. Cette séance d'entretien avec les élus locaux témoigne de l'approche participative adoptée pour la conduite du processus
    Photo 12: Aperçu des potentialités du site en Produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) précisément le fruit de Saba senegalensis dans la commune de Tchériba
    Photo 14: Vue des potentialités de la zone du corridor
    Photo 15: Photo de famille des participants à l'atelier de restitution et d'appropriation du processus par les acteurs du niveau régional à Dédougou le 21 septembre 2017
    Photo 18: Le Point Focal national Ramsar achevant de convaincre les participants de l'atelier sur les valeurs et avantages du site Ramsar pour les collectivités territoriales
    Photo 13: L'Expert Zones humides de la Cellule Ramsar du SP/CNDD déroulant le processus d'inscription du site Ramsar aux participants
    Vue du présidium composé des autorités des 2 régions administratives du corridor lors de l'atelier de restitution et d'appropriation du processus par les acteurs du niveau régional à Dédougou le 21 septembre 2017. On y aperçoit le Chef d'Antenne du Projet EBA/FEM initiateur du processus à la droite
    Photo 17: Vue des participants pendant l'atelier de restitution
    Dispositif pour la transformation du poisson à Tiogo-Mouhoun, localité riveraine du site Ramsar

    Corridor forestier de la Boucle du Mouhoun

    • Country: 
      Burkina Faso
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      6 year(s)
    134,553 ha
  9. Forêt à mangrove
    Banc de sable marin
    Rivage  de sable fin
    Lagune de Yombo
    Forêt à raphiales
    Fleuve Kouilou
    Forêt à mangrove


    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      6 year(s)
    55,124 ha
  10. CAP/PONASI inondé par le Nazinon
    Produits forestiers non ligneux du site ( liane goïne)

    Complexe d’Aires Protégées Pô-Nazinga-Sissili

    • Country: 
      Burkina Faso
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    301,973 ha




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